Hey, everypony!
When you want to collect more Element Shards, but you can’t decide which totem you need more, try crafting Friendship Totems that produce all the Element Shards at once!
You’ll need such ingredients:
Totem of Friendship: Joke Plant + Garlic + Black Iris
Greater Totem of Friendship: Garlic + Black Iris + Sticky Sap
Superior Magic Totem: Joke Plant + Black Iris + Sticky Sap
Have you already tried some of the recipes? Which do you craft more often?

Pasen mag misschien voorbij zijn maar bij de Jamin verkopen ze nog gewoon My Little Pony verrassingseieren. En zeg nou zelf: een verrassingsei kan altijd! ----- Easter may be over but here at Jamin in the Netherlands they still sell MLP surprise eggs! #mylittlepony #mlp #mlpmerch@mylittleponybenelux @jaminonline #jamin #pinkiepie
 Compró unos peluches de MLP por Internet y no vas a poder creer lo que le llegó